Sunday, April 29, 2007

The client presentation!

Finally we have the book together and are ready to present it to our client. The foundation we are working for is more conservative so we decked ourselves out in suits and a classic powerpoint and presentation style.

Nerves were high when the met in the lab. The four presenters were pacing with their notes and last minute preparation. However the presenters are all great speakers so while the rest of us were nervous for them we could feel secure in their abilities.

Our contact at the foundation could not make it to the presentation, so she sent a colleague in her place. We were extra concerned because we had not met this member of the client team. However, when she walked in the room wearing jeans we calmed down some. She was professional but not overly intimidating.

The presentation team had their information memorized, so it went smoothly, lasting for about 20 minutes before it was opened to questions.

The client only had a few questions so I hope that was a good sign, meaning that she understood most of the campaign. Overall I think we were all very proud of the effort and just hope that showed in the presentation.

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