Thursday, April 26, 2007

An intern's job?

My main tactic for this campaign was to formulate a plan for interns. A major point of the campaign was that the organization would need extra help to have the time to perform the campaign. We suggested they set up a group of 5 interns.

Theses interns would have the time and ability to send out the information we suggested and perform all other tactics.

We wanted to give the interns information about the company and an outline of what tasks they would be expected to perform. For the company we put together an applications they could use when searching for interns.

The outline was the hardest to pinned down. I wanted to give them the best picture of what they would be expected to do but also leave some leeway for the company to add or subtract duties, without throwing the entire outline off. I decided on four areas for the interns to concentrate, developing relations, executing special events, generating publicity for the foundation and its mission and maintain a blog.

These four areas were broad enough to allow the foundation to change but still gave the interns some idea of the job, which would basically be to handle the Athens area.

Within each section more specific tasks were mentioned, such as distributing a certain press release.

After suggestions from the professor I spoke with a career director for the University of Georgia's mass communications school about internships. His contact information was included in the book.

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