Friday, April 27, 2007

First edits

My professor is amazing. We gave her the tactics on a Friday and she had them proofed and back to us by Monday. Each team member took their tactics and edited them.

Most of the tactics were okay but we had a few to change. For the intern packet I needed to make the duties within the four heading more concrete. In the first draft those duties were left open in hopes that the interns might write more press releases and public service announcement throughout the actually campaign. However my professor wanted us to do them all.

This required the team to write several more things, which the team leader assigned throughout the group.

I then went in and changed all the create and distribute to just distribute a certain release, pitch or story. This made the outline more hard line. It gives the future interns a better idea of exactly what they will be doing.

The releases, stories and public service announcements that were added were to be done hopefully that night, but the leader gave everyone until Wednesday if they could not do them that day. Crunch time is in full force.

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